Asset Lifecycle And Inventory Management Fundamentally Important And Integral To The Overall Decision Making Process For Every Organization
Company News | Jul 7, 2022

Significant cost avoidance within CAPEX budgets recognized with formal Asset Life Cycle and Inventory Management programs
Atlanta, GA – July 7, 2022 – MDSi, a leading provider of technology products, integration services and supply chain solutions, today announced that organizations have an opportunity for significant CAPEX cost avoidance and optimization of existing assets as it relates to overall management of inventory and asset management practices.
“There are several challenges driving up CapEx and minimizing returns related to asset and inventory management,” says Larry Schilling, President and COO of MDSi. “Direct costs are easy to track, but there are substantially larger numbers within indirect costs that companies incur due to limited formal asset management programs, automation and tools to maximize returns and redeployment.
- Excess Assets – Visibility limited to one facility or individual market
- Sparing Programs – Mission-Critical spares are crucial to the sustainability of network infrastructures. Important to have visibility and access to support SLA’s.
- Maintenance and Support – EOL support programs crucial to network transformation initiatives
- Cycle Counts – Inventory becomes increasingly problematic with potential inaccuracy of end-to-end visibility across the full infrastructure. Significant discrepancies without defined discipline for cycle counts.
- Redeployment Initiatives – Formal redeployment programs with goals and metrics related to optimizing existing assets is a key component to recognizing significant cost avoidance dollars and driving redeployment as a new revenue stream.
- Logistics Expenses – Most companies experience 2-3 unnecessary shipping steps. If hardware can be initially triaged and decommissioned onsite, then shipping can be reduced, and revenues can be increased.
- Decommission Programs – End-of-life products can have tremendous value to an organization and its bottom line. Products can be decommissioned out of existing markets, repaired, reconfigured, and then re-inventoried as spares in another location, for example.
- Certified Disposal and Erasure – Global environmental sustainability and security compliance has become more visible related to IT and networking hardware. Proper data management and product disposal ensures a high volume of revenue can be harvested from out-of-service hardware while also remaining compliant with ever-increasingly stringent environmental policies.
Schilling continues, “As viable solutions are executed, visibility and communications are increased, therefore enabling personnel to focus more on core competencies, further boosting production and the bottom line.”
MDSi has invested significantly in its people, products and processes to enable its customers to streamline operations and run more efficient, sustainable, and profitable businesses is via Acuity. Acuity is the company’s comprehensive SaaS application for asset management, deployment management, and inventory visibility. The solution maximizes customers’ return on technology investment through best-in-class business intelligence, complete asset lifecycle management, spare inventory optimization, and supply chain planning for improved utilization of capital deployment assets. For more information on Acuity, please visit
About MDSi
Founded in 1990, MDSi is a leading supplier of technology products, software, integration services, and supply chain solutions supporting the following architectures: IT Voice and Data, Access, Edge, Core Transport, IP Routed Networks, Wireless Networks (5G), Cloud Solutions, HFC, and CMTS that help companies run more efficient, sustainable, and profitable businesses. With operations across hundreds of locations, organizations rely on MDSi to solve complex problems by delivering proactive technology solutions that significantly impact their growth and profitability. For more information, please visit, email, or call 1.800.874.9850.