Supply Chain Logistics
MDSi utilizes the world’s leading business intelligence tools and experts to help reduce technology expenditures and carrying costs. MDSi analyzes your consumption trends, project forecasts, and equipment harvests from the field to help its customers make more logical purchase decisions that will most accurately meet the usage demands of their businesses.
MDSi develops, implements, and supports the most efficient and result-generating processes specific to each customer's requirements, growth strategy, and cost-planning needs.
DC Spares
- Centralized for common carrier / freight deployments
SSL Spares
- Spares localized in markets for rush courier delivery
- Replenished from DC when below minimum stocking level
Critical Spares
- Spares held on-site at customer premise for critical outages
- Customer records consumption of spares
- Replenished from DC when below minimum stocking level
- Alternative support programs for end-of-life migration
Strategic Stocking Location Coverage
Collaborate, Integrate and Deliver your Supply Chain Future