Cloud & SaaS
Achieving Digital Transformation today can be difficult, and many customers start the process, but they may not fully realize goals and outcomes. MDSi has the resources to help you on your journey to Public, Private, Hybrid, or Multi-cloud.
Our engineers can assist with your AWS and Microsoft Azure initiatives. Let us assist you with essential SaaS applications such as Microsoft 365 and UCaaS migrations. IaaS, PaaS, Containerization, DC Modernization.
Infrastructure as a Service
IaaS solutions allow you to quickly create a secure and scalable infrastructure while reducing the time and money spent designing, deploying, and provisioning it. Workloads such as Test & Dev, Web, Storage, and backup/recovery are deployed while maintaining logical consistency with your on-prem infrastructure. Reach out to MDSi for an evaluation of your workloads and a recommendation on the right consumption-based services to make your migration to the cloud a smooth transition.
Data Center Modernization
Most of our customers continue to deliver certain IT services on-premise. Factors like performance, security, or other constraints restrict or rule out public cloud or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) options. On-premise can mean your data center or a co-lo facility, the infrastructure hosting those services should provide the benefits of cloud, such as flexibility, scalability, automation, and orchestration. Hyper-converged and composable infrastructure solutions offer these capabilities, and a consumption-model solution allows you to reap the benefits of cloud economics in your own data center. Reach out to MDSi for a discussion around your Data Center needs.
Unified Communications as a Service
MDSi continues to deploy unified communications for our customers who have realized the benefits of voice, video, messaging, presence, and web conferencing. Many of these customers are now moving these on-prem solutions to the cloud to take advantage of faster deployments, increased production, and agility inflexible cost model based on consumption. Let MDSi evaluate your current communications needs and talk to you through the best UCaaS solution and design for your business.
Office 365 and SaaS Solutions
Our customers continue to migrate their critical office applications to the cloud, reducing the need for dedicated on-prem infrastructure and resources. They benefit from the flexibility that SaaS can provide, including working from anywhere, storing, syncing, and sharing of files, collaborative meetings, email, and calendar on the go, and with security in place for Peace of mind. Reach out to MDSi to help assess your current needs and help you migrate to the right SaaS solution for your business.
Collaborate Integrate and Deliver your Cloud Transformation Future